
My Denver Therapy

How much does a licensed therapist make in Colorado?

The average salary for a licensed therapist in Colorado can vary dramatically depending on the type of therapy being practiced, but there is a typical range that therapists are paid.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median hourly wage for all types of therapists in Colorado is $42.94. This figure is higher than the national average of $38.24 per hour. However, this is for all types of therapists, and a licensed professional counselor salary is easy to pinpoint.

How much does a Licensed Professional Counselor make in Colorado?

According to, the average licensed professional counselor salary in Colorado is $55,293, but the range typically falls between $49,995 and $62,224.

When you look more closely at the types of therapists available for people in Colorado:

  • The median wage for a mental health counselor in Colorado is $41.00 per hour
  • The median wage for a marriage and family therapist is $44.53
  • Clinical psychologists have the highest median wage in Colorado, at $55.99 per hour

While these are median numbers, salaries vary widely depending on the type of practice, experience, and level of education. It is also important to note that these wages do not include other forms of compensation, such as bonuses, profit sharing, and other benefits.

Therapists with more experience and higher levels of education can earn significantly more than the median wage, especially when a business is run well. For example, full-time licensed therapists at My Denver Therapy make over $100,000 if they see 20-30 clients per week. If you’re looking for a therapist job in Denver, we’re currently hiring therapists in Denver, Greenwood Village and Lone Tree.

Overall, the average salary for a licensed therapist in Colorado is still higher than the national average. If you’re considering being a therapist in Colorado, we’d love to help you build upon a successful career as a licensed therapist in Colorado.

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Please note: We’re unable to accept Medicaid or insurance.

Our rates are listed on our website. MDMA and Psilocybin-assisted therapy aren’t available yet. We are out of network for all types of insurance, including TRICARE.